I love the 4th of July, It holds such special meaning and memories for me, it is about Tradition, History, Liberty, our country's struggle to become Independent, Fireworks and a great cookout, of course not complete without an apple pie. YUM! I have soo many memories with this
holiday, as a child running around all day playing with my brothers and friends playing games, eating watermelon and seeing who could spit the seeds the furthest. At the end of the day being hot, sweaty and tired with the sounds of crickets filling the air as the fireworks fill the skies, being completely fascinated and entranced it was like magic in the sky! The years we took out the boat for the day. As a teen my favorite memory was in 1990 seeing the Grateful Dead play in Kansas at the Sandstone Amphitheatre with fireworks blasting above while dancing to US Blues..."wave that flag, wave it high and wide" I was young, just set out on my own and having the adventure of a lifetime, I had never felt so free and independent in my life! That too was a magical night!

And most recently the years when the whole family all meet up at my Grandparent's house in Black Mountain, NC to celebrate my Grandmothers birthday which is the same weekend, we cookout and have our own little firework display and all the kids run around in their yard with Mt. Mitchell in the backdrop. It is truly a beautiful scene, a celebration of family, 4 generations all together!

I love this holiday because it is a celebration of country, family and Independence. It is not a hallmark holiday nor commercial. No presents to buy or decorations to have, just an American Flag!
With this being an election year there are many topics on the table that evoke strong emotions and heated debates from all sides but I encourage everyone to remember regardless of your beliefs, that we all have one thing in common. This country, and please be thankful that we have the freedom to express our opinions so publicly. Not everyone has this right, people have fought and died for us to have this right, do not take it for granted. We might not all agree with every policy of our government but please be proud of our great country!

Bless you all, I hope you take a moment to reflect what meaning this holiday has for you, hold it in your heart and share with your loved ones. Be safe and have fun!!
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